Expertise in Tamil Medicine, Varma Therapy, Touch Therapy, Massage & Physiotherapy and Able to give best cure forArtery Block, Brain Hemorrhage, Cervical Spondylosis, Cervical Spondylitis, Lumbar Spondylosis, Neurological Disease,Paralysis, Cerebral Atrophy, Muscular Atrophy, MuscularDistropy (Initial Stage), Poliomyelitis (Polio), Coma, Memory, Brain and Body Development for Children, indigestion and constipation, Intestine disorders, Loss of Appetite, Anemia, Renal Calculi, Jaundice, Apositia, Peptic Ulcer, Mouth Ulcer, Appendicitis, Chronic Headache, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure,Heart Diseases, Diabetes, Albumin, Psoriasis, Male and FemaleInfertility, Impotence, Penis Rejuvenation, Irregular menstruation, White discharge, Urinary Infection, Vaginal Infection, Syphilis, Lung Infection, Dust Allergy, Asthma, Cough, Sinusitis, Preliminary Cancer, Preliminary Leprosy, Hair loss and Gents and ladies Beauty therapy.And medicines available for Snake and Scorpion bite.And also we conduct training programs for Sidha system of Massage(Thokkanam), Touch & Varma Therapy, Snake Bite Treatment, Child Care and General Medicine in Guru Kula traditional method for interested ones.
Thanks & Regards,
Dr. KB Puspharaj ESMP,
Kumari Nattu Sidha Marundhagam,
Parakkunru, via Kuzhithurai, Kaniya Kumari Dt,
Tamilnadu, India. 629163.
Cell: 91 9047423903
Santhosham--This ancient science should be taught thru out the whole world.Keep up the good work.